this is not really a review. just pics

Project BM! Kamen Rider Kubrick

it's mix of medicom's kubrick and bandai's souchaku henshin.

Vol. 1 has two kamen rider series, first kamen rider (the tv show, not the movie "Kamen Rider The First") and Kamen Rider Hibiki.

I didn't buy hibiki ones because I haven't seen it.

First, Kamen Rider Ichigo

it's Takeshi Hongo
armor parts, only the body armor is metal.

the back of the head has this silver painting. it's like that because the eyes on the helmet is transparent. If the head is not turned, you can see the eyes.

Kamen Rider Niigo

Hayato Ichimonji
armor parts. Exactly same as Ichigo

Henshin!! Double Rider

back view

Kaijin Kumo-Otoko. he was in very first episode of Kamen Rider.

armor parts. The cape is transparent, the ankle armors are metal.

helmets are compatible


Shocker Combatant. They are not real Kubrick. they have elbow joints and knee joints.



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