These are photos taken with blackbird, fly

multi-layer photo.
I guess this is what Tsukasa does when he takes pictures.
after taking a picture, I have to advance the film manually by turning a knob. but if i don't do that and take another shot on a same frame of film, then this kind of picture come out.

These are just pictures of me with the camera

went out for a test run


  1. Unknown said...
    just one word :
    Ngianhormua Yang said...
    that is an awesome camera
    Delvin said...
    Hi, I just have one too.

    Do you actually know how strap camera lens cap on the camera?
    Anonymous said...
    AWWWWWWHHHHH!!! You'reee sooo soooo soooooo cuuuutttteee!
    mizui shinji said...
    where can I buy It ??
    Josefina Andrés said...
    Im going to try again my blackbird fly after seeing this!
    Mark said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Mark said...
    Hi Can I ask Where did You Buy the blackbird fly and in malaysia got sell or not
    wesleychewwenhao said...
    can u tell me where to buy it :) (pls reply me as soon as possible) because i want it AND HOW MUCH$

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