Hello all

the toy i am gonna review today is
Bandai's new kamen rider toy line,
TAF series 02, kamen rider den-o sword Form.

Last year i heard about this new series and anticipating since.
and about last week I was browsing the online shop i go to for
SIC den-o sword !form, but saw that TAF is released. so i got this one instead.

so... what's TAF
it stands for Twist Action Form
used leather suit to hide the mechanical joints and replicate the looks just ilke the show. Also the wire frame body allows it to move "freely"

ootsuka's hyper hero and medicom's RAH series have similar style of toys.
maybe Bandai leanred from Medicom when they worked together on Project BM!
So, now bandai is in the market.

would the other two be afraid of Bandai's new toy line?
Let's see

1. Package. Very very unappealing. it's just clear overhead sheet, rolled and glued together then lid on top and bottom. the name plate(?) is just paper wrapped around the package and taped in the back. looks very very cheap.

2. back of the package. you can kinda see the tape here. It's freaking 4200 yen but in a container like this. what happened to good old box. too expensive?

3. accessaries, 3 sets of hand(fist, open, grabbing), 2 sets of denkacha holder(with and without denkacha) and denkacha sword. It's too few considering the price. I wanted at least the pass

4. front, the proportion and quality of painting are not bad at all.
there are very minor error in painting but not noticeable.
HOWEVER!!!!!!! WTF bandai, were you guys high or drunk when making this? the length of left leg is about 1cm longer than the right. thus can't stand straight.

5. back

6. side

7. articulation check. both arms and legs bend little more than 90 degrees.
and the leg doesn't go up that high. the poor articulation is due to air pockets used in thighs and arms to give more volume to the body. these get in the way of moving.

8. articulation check #2. that's maximum I can split the legs, this time, it's due to both airpockets and leather suit.
the armors in TAF series are softvinyl. it's kinda flexible.
it's hard to make it stand. tamashii stage stand is recommended

random shots from here

ore!! 俺!!

sanjyou!! 参上!!

come on

let's go

opening dance #1

opening dance #2

opening dance #3

urataros pose

ryutaros pose
kintaros pose is impossible.

denkacha sword. he holds it quite firmly (that's what she said). but it's better to pose the figure first before putting the sword.

my special attack part 2!!
俺の必殺技 パート2!!


size comparison. kabuto is S.H. Figurarts, Kiva is Souchaku Henshin.
TAF is bigger, i think it's about size of SIC series, I don't have any SIC so i don't really know

Size comparison with RAH old niigo

Proportion/Detail 4.5/5
Proportion is very good. hiding the joints looks good too. nice paint job, leather suit works(no cracking). but what is up with the screwed up legs.

Articulation 2/5
Very disappointed, It's hard to pose. And the elbow is placed too high, it looks very awkward when bent.

durability / firmness 3/5
I was worried about the wireframe snapping. but unless it's bent back and forth repeatetively, i think it's fine.
when bent to the max, it doesn't stay there, it's because of the air pocket and leather suit. the wire is not strong enough to resist the force.

cost / accesssaries 2.5/5
this few things for 4200 yen!!??
the armor is made of (relatively) cheap soft vinyl, packaging is crap. Is it leather suit that's expensive??

Overall 7.5 / 10
the proportion is almost perfect, so it does look cool in many poses. but it's hard to do so. TAF series is not for playing

Next review is going to be TAF kamen rider kuuga....
OH MAN~~. TAF KUUGA.... actually kuuga is TAF 01. so I should've done the review of kuuga first, but wow, I don't really know how i am going to do this.
compared to kuuga, den-o is like RAH class.

have a climaxful day


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